Liz Ham

They’re fashion’s most recurring styles. It was only a matter of time before they collided, and ever so brilliantly at …

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César Segarra

The power of three: Satoshi, Chris & Teresa photographed by César Segarra and styled by Faustina Rose for TheOnes2Watch.

Duckie Brown

Simonas Pham shot by Platon for Duckie Brown Fall/Winter 2012 campaign.

Frederik Ruegger

Frederik Rugger at New York Models captured by Stefani Pappas and styled by Andrew Mukamal  for Homme Style Magazine ISSUE 5.

Gorka Postigo

Yannick Abrath shot by Gorka Postigo and styled by Berta Álvarez for Esquire España.

Husk Magazine

Cameron Handley photographed by Stefani Pappas and styled by Andrew Mukamal for Husk Magazine.

That oversized scarf

Big oversized scarves for the winter, wrapped around your neck could give perfect comfort. Check out Luis Vuitton selection here

Florian Van Bael

Florian Van Bael captured by Zeb Daemen and styled by Ferry Van Der Nat with pieces from Walter Van Beirendonck for the issue #5 of Prestage magazine.