365 days
Mood of the now – So many “I love” you – 365 days a year.
Everything is possible
Mood of the now – Use your imagination and think that everything is possible.
Seen and liked
Seen and liked while surfing the web. Here is what really made me stop scrolling
Just Black!
Mood of the now – More like mood of the year(s) . I want it all and I want it …
Lucas – the Fall/Winter 2012 campaign for Swedish label ALTEWAISAOME, shot by Alexander Dahl and Jakob Hysén Helberg. Hair styling by Tony Lundström & MUA Anya …
I don’t know!
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Laurin Krausz
+ and more
Pierre Debusschere
Guerrino Santulliana photographed by Pierre Debusschere. + and more